In recent years, the popularity of fit girls and boys, healthy lifestyles and recreational events has risen sharply. That is of course very good news, everyone naturally needs his or her daily exercise of at least half an hour a day. The municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch wanted to extend this healthy lifestyle more broadly: A healthy and livable city, where every Bosschenaar can live fit and healthy. That is why the municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch has set up the platform S-PORT together with Get Hooked. A platform that has made all sports activities, associations, and locations in the municipality accessible to its residents since 2011. That gets the ball rolling!
After the successful period of the S-PORT platform, where the foundation was laid together with the Sports & Recreation department, it was time for a creative redesign. S-PORT in a new (sports) jacket. For example, Get Hooked started brainstorming together with the municipality's Sports & Recreation department on how we can best bundle and categorize all information on the platform. This so the platform will become even more user-friendly and accessible, and the residents of Den Bosch can find sports activities and associations via the website more easily. Together we funneled all information, wishes and needs of the organizations and residents of 's-Hertogenbosch. As a result, every visitor and organization can immediately find what they are looking for on the S-PORT website. Another new feature that should not be overlooked is the materials rental portal. Here the employees of S-PORT can view and reserve the availability and locations of sports equipment, so that they can communicate and switch efficiently.
By designing the website, content, and creative idea behind S-PORT, not only a fantastic collaboration and bond has been established with the Sports & Recreation department of the municipality, but also a great platform. Through 'S-PORT you will find all sports activities with associated associations, locations and sports projects in' s-Hertogenbosch. At ‘S-PORT it is all possible and accessible for everyone. The best thing about our collaboration with the municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch is that, ten years later, we are still working together on a more beautiful and healthier' s-Hertogenbosch. That just makes you want to get moving, doesn’t it?